Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Plethora of Mail

I am single handedly keeping the postal service in Bend alive right now. Okay, maybe not really, but it kind of feels like it.

Every year at Christmas, I end up with a list of at least 30 people I want to do something for. Sometimes that something is as simple as send them a card. More often than not, I am disappointed to say, I never do hear if the card got to where I sent it. This is a bit disheartening, not the least because the majority of my friends now live in cities other than the one I currently reside in.

So, I'm starting a project. My goal is to try and mail something to my friends for most (all of them might be overkill) holidays. I'm starting with Christmas/Valentine's Day because a lot of my Christmas cards (to my great embarrassment) went out after New Year's and the Valentines were a couple of days late. It's been a bit of a slow start too because I had a fair few addresses to collect before I could really get started. But at this point I have most of the ones I need and have been mailing things like crazy. The idea being that my friends get their day brightened and know that I'm thinking of them. Hopefully they also respond in some way, even if it's just a facebook post to let me know it got there. At the end of the year, if that person hasn't responded once, then I am giving myself permission to stop trying.

So far I've done Christmas cards...

Yes, they're those kiddy ones from when you were in elementary school. And yes, they are in fact Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows themed. No, I do not know whose dumb idea that was. 

And American president flashcards for President's Day (which I think is creative and amusing, but may only be kind of weird)...

If I ever manage to get them all in the mail, I'll be off to a pretty good start, I think.


  1. Haha You are too sweet! I love that you love sending physical mail. Sometime it's just so much nicer than an email :)

    1. Yeah! It's no fun to go to the mailbox every day and only get bills. Random letters and cards are way more fun. Emails are good too and often a better way to keep in touch (not always though), but it's wonderful to have something you can hold in your hand. The cards and letters, along with a few pictures, are all I have left of my great-grandmother, and now that she's gone, they are extra precious. Having that kind of thing is like being able to hold a relationship in your hands. It's much harder accidentally delete then.

    2. Deleting precious documents accidentally feels awful and while creating backup copies is a great idea, that would require us to remember to make backups...

      I agree with Allison, the fact that you would take the time to write cards for friends makes them feel super-loved because it shows that you were thinking of us for more than a couple seconds and you're willing to spend postage on us. ^_^

      I keep all of your cards on my desk and they make me smile even when life sucks!
